Saturday 18 December 2010


banyak has happen since i last wrote~~ later kami jalan to KKBS kan rehearsal menari for 31st dec...bollywood theme so..kan blajar arah lively dancers~~

Friday 16 April 2010


Hmm masuk skulah sudah n i havent got a chance to update my blog yet until now ....banyak happen since i wrote now settled sudah dskulah and insyllah i try to catch up and mudahan tah dapat alevel june ani...i really want to get it over with ....banar i am ready to go into uni i want it more than anything

Saturday 6 March 2010


Waiting for panggilan dari MOE so i can go back to school i dont care that im 19 sudah but i still want to study.....setulus hati n seikhlas hati kan study n menuntut ilmu.......please Ya Allah~~~ hamba mu mohon kepada mu...kabulkan lah permintaan ku ini... ='(

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Catch up~~

WAH!!! lama dah nda post...~~~ bnyak happen since the last time i wrote~ M gna apply to maktab teknik and also take alevel exam at the same time so that nda waste time and also if dapat alvel i cna go to either ITB or UBD tarus~ Hopefully and if nda dapat pun i will continue d maktab~~ lau dapat jua...I WONT GIVE UP!

I broke up with my syg sal my mum ask me to concrntrate i did~ but then we got back together sal nda tahan without him~

Friday 27 November 2009

Tommorow.... 28th

28th hehehe sayang~~ tani kan one month dah.. I'm so happy..semoga jodoh tani berpanjangan~~~ opss lupa SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA TO ALL hehehe lalai kan angau saja kan my syg nda ingat kan greet g hehe


Me and my sayang bnyak fight sometimes about little things but we manage to handle it..tadi it's been along day..tadi kexpo den poco2 then after that k airport then jalan g kadai omg soo tired...I saw my syg td d expo tpi i treat him like a stranger bnr2 feel guilty but apa blh buat bnyk my mom punya friends ada so pyh jua tu den me and my mom and adik went to the airport ada jua ia..but he was ok lah udah tadi marah sal i treat him like a stranger sapa jua nda marah kan~~ then okie lah no..tadi i bought sumthing from body shop untuk mata n untuk hilangkan blackheads hehehe...I MISS MY SAYANG SO BAD sayangnya adakah cmtu masa d expo tu....eshhh c raudhah ani th banar!!! stupid!! padahal hati mau pngng tgn and hampir2..sowe sygku~~


Monday 16 November 2009

it's not Cleopatra's haircut but i like it~~~

smlm i gunting rambut before i wanted it to be the Cleopatra straight cut style minus the fringe lah but then the hairdresser suggest that i should cut it Rihanna style(entah lurus kah nda ejaan namanya tu)...then lawa jua im so happy i never tried this hair style before...its good to do something new once in a while~~ hehehe ... atu good news the bad news is that i dont have krdt cant call or boring and annoyed..
